
GM1 ganglioside


Product number65/04-0050
StatusIn stock
Size5 mg
PriceEUR 107
SynonymG(M1) Ganglioside; GANGLIOSIDE GM1; Ganglioside M1; Ganglioside G4; Sialosylganglio-N-tetraosylceramide; Monosialoganglioside GM1; GM1-ganglioside
Storage-18 °C

Source: Bovine brain

The ganglioside has been extracted from bovine brain through ion exchange chromatography and repeated silica gel chromatography.

The carbohydrate moiety is glycosidically linked to the sphingosine moiety of the ceramide. The ceramide moiety consists of a long chain fatty acid linked to a sphingosine. The chain length of the fatty acid varies from C-14 to C-24 and the chains can be saturated as well as unsaturated.

TLC: Multiple bands are seen on TLC due to heterogeneity in the ceramide residue.

Purity: >95% (NMR, TLC)

Supplied as ammonium salt.

Storage: 0-5 °C.

NMR Spectrum

NMR spectra